About M2M fitness - Hannah Quinn
Read about my passion and motivation to become a personal trainer to help people be fit and healthy.
I was sporty at school
and enjoyed being fit, this continued into my teens when I discovered alcohol, junk food and clubbing! Let’s just say that the only exercise I got during my late teens and early twenties was dancing in nightclubs!
I became interested in fitness when planning my wedding
and I knew that I had to sort out my unhealthy lifestyle. Back then I worked as a personal assistant in an office so my job was very sedentary. I joined a gym right outside my work so that I could train before work in the mornings, and I created a meal plan, with my then very limited nutrition knowledge.
I became interested in fitness when planning my wedding
and I knew that I had to sort out my unhealthy lifestyle. Back then I worked as a personal assistant in an office so my job was very sedentary. I joined a gym right outside my work so that I could train before work in the mornings, and I created a meal plan, with my then very limited nutrition knowledge.
I got fit & healthy for my wedding and fell pregnant
with my first child soon after getting married. Two more years passed, and we welcomed our second baby, but my pregnancies had taken their toll on my body. I had two very big babies, my biggest being 12lbs, and as a result, I suffered a severe Diastasis Recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) which required surgery to fix. I was unable to exercise because the risks of the separation getting worse. This time of not being able to exercise made me even more desperate to get back to training.

I got fit and healthy for my wedding and fell pregnant
with my first child soon after getting married. Two more years passed, and we welcomed our second baby, but my pregnancies had taken their toll on my body. I had two very big babies, my biggest being 12lbs, and as a result, I suffered a severe Diastasis Recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) which required surgery to fix. During the time that I had the Diastasis Recti, I was unable to exercise because the risks of the separation getting worse. This time of not being able to exercise made me even more desperate to get back to training.
Pre and Post-Natal
When I had my children and experienced a severe Diastasis Recti, I was very limited as to what exercises were safe for me to do and was advised by my GP that if I were to try exercising I would need a pre and post-natal qualified trainer to ensure that I didn’t make the condition even worse. At that time, I couldn’t find a qualified trainer local to me, and so I was limited as to what I could safely do. When I qualified as a personal trainer, I knew that I wanted to become qualified to teach pre and post-natal exercise to give my pregnant and post-natal clients the reassurance that they can work out safely and effectively.

Hannah Quinn
I have had many hobbies alongside running my personal training business over the years such as:
Obstacle Course Races
During the years of taking part in the OCR’s, we helped many people who were part of our team overcome fears such as heights, deep water, running and mud! The largest team we helped complete an OCR was 29!
(I have competed in two competitions). I have always tried to find new ways to support my personal training clients with their fitness and weight loss journeys and have always strived to best understand the challenges that this brings for my personal training clients.
Pole Fitness
Back in 2012, a friend of mine told me about the pole fitness classes she was enjoying and it sounded like fun so I thought I’d give it a go. From my first lesson I was hooked! I loved it so much that I became qualified as an instructor.
Walking and taking part in walking charity events
During Covid lockdown, I used to walk as much as possible, both for my physical health and for my mental health. I felt such a connection to the outdoors and being in nature that walking became an essential part of my daily routine. Due to my love of walking, I have taken part in two 100km Ultra walking events raising money for a local hospice.
I have a huge passion for life, fun, fitness and adventure
and I love to help people reach their own fitness goals and find their own adventure with health and fitness.
Personal Training information and qualifications:
Since qualifying as a personal trainer, I have added many areas of fitness training and training to my skill set.